Members of the South Australian House of Assembly, 2010–2014

This is a list of members of the South Australian House of Assembly from 2010 to 2014, as elected at the 2010 state election.

Name Party Electorate Term of office
Hon Michael Atkinson Labor Croydon 1989–present
Frances Bedford Labor Florey 1997–present
Leon Bignell Labor Mawson 2006–present
Lyn Breuer Labor Giles 1997–present
Geoff Brock Independent Frome 2009–present
Hon Paul Caica Labor Colton 2002–present
Vickie Chapman Liberal Bragg 2002–present
Hon Patrick Conlon Labor Elder 1997–present
Hon Iain Evans Liberal Davenport 1993–present
Hon Kevin Foley Labor Port Adelaide 1993–present
Chloe Fox Labor Bright 2006–present
John Gardner Liberal Morialta 2010–present
Robyn Geraghty Labor Torrens 1994–present
Mark Goldsworthy Liberal Kavel 2002–present
Steven Griffiths Liberal Goyder 2006–present
Martin Hamilton-Smith Liberal Waite 1997–present
Hon John Hill Labor Kaurna 1997–present
Tom Kenyon Labor Newland 2006–present
Hon Stephanie Key Labor Ashford 1997–present
Tom Koutsantonis Labor West Torrens 1997–present
Dr Duncan McFetridge Liberal Morphett 2002–present
Steven Marshall Liberal Norwood 2010–present
Michael O'Brien Labor Napier 2002–present
Lee Odenwalder Labor Little Para 2010–present
Adrian Pederick Liberal Hammond 2006–present
Don Pegler Independent Mount Gambier 2010–present
Michael Pengilly Liberal Finniss 2006–present
Tony Piccolo Labor Light 2006–present
David Pisoni Liberal Unley 2006–present
Grace Portolesi Labor Hartley 2006–present
Hon Jennifer Rankine Labor Wright 1997–present
Hon Mike Rann Labor Ramsay 1985–present
John Rau Labor Enfield 2002–present
Isobel Redmond Liberal Heysen 2002–present
Rachel Sanderson Liberal Adelaide 2010–present
Alan Sibbons Labor Mitchell 2010–present
Hon Jack Snelling Labor Playford 1997–present
Hon Dr Bob Such Independent Fisher 1989–present
Gay Thompson Labor Reynell 1997–present
Peter Treloar Liberal Flinders 2010–present
Dan Van Holst Pellekaan Liberal Stuart 2010–present
Ivan Venning Liberal Schubert 1990–present
Leesa Vlahos Labor Taylor 2010–present
Hon Jay Weatherill Labor Cheltenham 2002–present
Tim Whetstone Liberal Chaffey 2010–present
Mitch Williams Liberal MacKillop 1997–present
Hon Michael Wright Labor Lee 1997–present
Members of the Parliament of South Australia
Legislative Council

2006–20102010–2014 • 2014–2018

House of Assembly

2006–2010 • 2010–2014 • 2014–2018